Facility and Personnel
Independent Printing & Packaging views the issues of sustainability and climate change as evolving in our industry. We have always been interested in identifying and effectively monitoring improvements within our control. As such, we have taken a proactive stance and completed a Carbon Footprint Study along with other processes that affect air-quality.
We filed for, and received, an air pollution control operation permit in 2002, which monitors our total VOCs (volatile organic compounds) on a monthly basis to meet all applicable DNR standards. (Emissions prior to 2002 were tracked, but the permit has helped formalize and expand tracking.)
We are permitted as a minor source of emissions, which means Independent will emit less than 100 tons of VOC. We actually emit less than one quarter of the limit specified in our permit. In addition, we use VOC emission potential as one of the criteria when evaluating chemicals and processes.
In the early 90s, Independent made a decision to install an environmentally-friendly Heating Venting and Air Condition (HVAC) system. This system is complete with heat recovery wheels to keep and reuse the heat from our exhaust air to reheat the incoming fresh air throughout the building, saving on fuel and associated costs. This system provides “free cooling” during winter months as it allows us to take advantage of the natural elements to chill our process equipment. Our HVAC system also includes a UV light and filtering system to purify air throughout our facility, removing air particulates and other harmful vapors.
Energy Consumption
Energy consumption is a key area of focus for Independent Printing and part of our overall Sustainability Program.
We continually work to reduce our energy consumption. In addition to the improvements listed above, we utilize building construction methods that provide superior insulating value and reduce energy use. We also use LED light fixtures that saved 460,778 kWh.
Being a Good, Green Neighbor
Independent has enrolled in a program sponsored by Wisconsin Public Service. It’s their Renewable Energy Program, NatureWise, a natural energy alternative. Members are committed to protecting the environment today while preserving resources for tomorrow. Independent has access to renewable energy sold by Wisconsin Public Service/Integrys. Electricity is generated from renewable sources such as wind turbines and bio-gas.
Additionally, Independent Printing & Packaging is located in a business park that enforces a Green Space policy via a City of De Pere, WI ordinance. All facilities to maintain a specific amount of green space, as much for environmental as aesthetic reasons. This green space prevents storm water run-off, and also provides area for a storm water retention pond.
Independent Printing & Packaging employees are continually involved in developing and promoting our sustainability efforts, both within the company and in our community. Our employees actively participate in internal recycling programs, off-site events including highway clean-up activities, and more.